Payers' Payback / Analysis

By SinigrNyan
05/19/2023 - 06:39:16

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.67 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The Payer-Bean Union are calling in mercenaries from across the galaxy to reclaim their sacred relics and stolen citizens from the mean Grox. They need help from such talanted captain as you!
Win message:
You commited mass genocide of Grox and spark a new intergalactic war! Congrats! By the way had anyone saved the squeezed out dudes?
Lose message:
Oh well, now Payers and Beans will surely lose to mean Grox :(
ACT 1 :   PLANETFALL IN 3... 2... 1...
Talk to the Pear and Bean commanders to learn more about the situation and your mission.
Your detachment must overpower the Dronox defenses near the mine to cut off supplies.
ACT 3 :   Check the mine
The Dronox clones must come from somewhere... There must be something underground for sure.
ACT 4 :   Energy grid overload
Oh... There's going to be a big bang...
ACT 5 :   We do a little trolling
Remember the main rule - it is not considered a war crime if you had fun doing it
ACT 6 :   WE HAVE WON!!!!
We've won, didn't we?
ACT 7 :   Everyone always blame others
The allies could not share the spoils, then began to shift the blame on each other and started a war...
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