Bauder Crate
Not rated


By Parkaboy
06/30/2009 - 22:48:20

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, parkaboy


Crate prop.


By 158000

slow crate! like the fact its so wealthy!

By star367

cool! >:3 LOLZ

By nemanja1234

No speed...

By uberyoshi

putting jewels inside to raise the economic power... genius :D

By Parkaboy

@shadowhedgehog: it's not supposed to walk... It has the "gaprop" tag that means it shouldn't be used as a vehicle in game.

By shadowhedgehog

lol, walking box.

By DiegoFS

you know... this will move... a walking box...

By cookieprincess

COOL! check out my creations plz.


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