Running out of idea's T-T
Not rated


By XLFries
10/21/2009 - 23:42:48

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: cute, her face color pattern is like an rancoons so it's hard to make, xlfries


And im seriouly freakin out about it---and getting an little sad about it---maybe Im catching the spore brain-dead bug or something
Can you guys give me just an few ideas plz?


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By Bagelthief239

make more of these head dudes! they rock tacoez!

By spacepirate1234

I get that when I'm on Spore too long, or get bored on Spore.

By seattleryanno

im brain dead 2 =-C it sucks

By Clixe

If you're out of ideas and you really want to make something, you can always make a character from your favourite game or film

By SP999

ok i know one how about a giant EVIL HAMBUGER! lol

By teecobug

you cought a bad case of teecobug..... its a bug that infects your brain and eats all your ideas. be glad it only stayes in strangers for a week. i live with them. 0_o

By cookieprincess

listen 2 songs.. dat gives me ideas..

By cookieprincess

make animals . inanamen objects ?

By cookieprincess

uh.. make anime carachters.

By cookieprincess

WATCH TV ! @_@ uh youtube gets lots of ideas in yeer head too.

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