Ultimate Turret V12
Not rated

By Frelochis
01/30/2010 - 16:19:03

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: blue, corrosive, metal .fr, pipes, substance


This Turret shoots a reare-kind of a corrosive Blue substance that can easly melt metal, for this Substance to get into the shooting canoon there are a big amount of pipes that are recistant to the substance, once used it is cleend and re used


By L1G3R

hey i just released another episode in my adventure series, "4-True Intentions of the Bolari". Tried to make it different and better than all the other junk out there, give it a try and let me know what you think.

By Prototype00

Woo, funky I like the description as well.


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