simple chaise lounge

By thiefers
03/18/2010 - 03:01:02

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 6.43 (Good)
Tags: gaprop, snafu, thiefers


By retbox

I am gonna need to wipe out my computer because of a virus. Can you do me a huge favor by putting my buildings into a sporecast so I don't loose them all? Thanks for reading. anything you can do will be Extremely helpful!

By Bagelthief239

thanks! :D

By sandran

yeeaahhh :P

By Sethan777

R+ ;) Great prop.

By grindstone

Patient: shrink, why are you so tall? shrink: that's cause you're laying down!

By ExcaIibur

R+++ That's what I need. A nice comfotable Chaise Lounge! I should lay in one of these while on the computer. I'd probably fall asleep though. lol.


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