The Map - Corruption
No puntuado

Por Icarax
07/05/2011 - 23:35:01

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)


They screamed as they were battered by stone and crashed into one another. ?Make it stop!? Fatalyze raged, continuing to unleash savage bolts of his dark energy. Icarax tried summoning his chains to try to grabble something to stabilize himself, but every time he fired them from his claws he lost control of them, and they struck out randomly. All the while the voice in their head continued. *Command?Disorder?Direction?Disarray?The Link?The Link!...* As they were thrown about by their own power, Xalaris noticed they were falling, no, being dragged into the pit the Map created with it?s energy surge. ?Icarax!? Xalaris urgently yelled through the screams and batterings, ?We?re going under!? The others noticed it too. The Map and dark sphere seemed to be at a higher height. Black shapes moved below, whipping up as if trying to grab the four beings. ?Damn it!? Icarax yelled, trying to think of something in all the ensuing confusion, even if his power was not under his control. He looked at the black sphere. ?Never surrender,? Icarax growled, summoning his amplification cannon. He already felt the power building up inside before he even willed it, but the Lord of Insanity didn?t care. ?Never give up!? he yelled, as he fired randomly. The others screamed as the corrupted force ripped through the area, barely avoiding the devastating blows. Icarax roared as he spun around with no sense of self-control, blasting away. ?What in Kulkiack are you doing?!? Fatalyze screamed, but Icarax ignored him, continuing his frenzied and seemingly mindless assault. After several hectic moments, Icarax got the lucky shot off. By chance alone, a bolt of amplified decaying energy hit the black sphere. A nightmarish roared tore through the four being?s minds, and a flash of black light erupted from the dark pit, throwing the Syzaides agents out. Silence fell upon them all. A breem later they recovered, lying on shattered hills and broken craters. They looked up, surveying the aftermath of the apocalyptic-like occurrence. The Map was laying in the center of them all, and next to it a small pit with black fog in it. Though scarred, they got up, gathering around the Map. ?That was?strange,? Xalaris said. Icarax growled, examining the Map. ?What?s up with all these events?? he hissed. The Map shimmered, and they all sensed Sarcrath fleeing again. Before any of them could do anything, they were consumed in a brilliant light, and in a click were teleported to the next location by the Map. And in the silent ruins, under the sheet of black fog, a terrible abomination was starting to develop.


Por DinoRexCM

Epilogue: *Ominous music plays*

Por Sacron

Uh-oh. Not good...


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