A few questions
Not rated

By zzzzzap
08/24/2011 - 01:55:22

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.38 (Not rated)


First:Why do people downrate random creators?Are they jelous?Or just crazy?
Second:Do you think im Bi-Polar?Some of my friends seem to think i am o_o
Third:Have any of you seen Soul Eater or Code Geass?EPICNESS...


By Beastmaster7700

1: They're jealous >:) 2: I honestly wouldn't know 3: I'm not into anime

By 5211999

I don't know why it has a red face and I really don't care.

By aidan0807

I Read Souleater! DA EPICNEZZ!!!

By Bas36

Whoa, my friend brought a Code Geass book to school yesterday.

By Chelsinator

i've watched soul eater like....3 times o3o

By mooncalled

I dont think youre Bi-Polar...

By Chelsinator

soul eater!~l3


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