Wastelander Water Tank
Not rated

By CloudyVision
10/30/2011 - 03:31:16

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, cloudyvision, projectapocalypse, scrap, storage, wastelander, water, water tank


For Project Apocalypse.


By sefmonsta

btw... how about I make some Apocalypse non-combatants (a welder, a comms expert...) your ideas?

By sefmonsta

...and a special feature by Beavis of MTV fame (imagine millions of him running at you, arms raised, being blown up)

By sefmonsta

...called 'Serious Sal'. Basically, wave after wave of stuff runs at you, some of 'em carrying timed bombs, some of em ranged weapons etc...

By sefmonsta

Oh right - I commented the idea to your prop account! I wanna make a GA using an edit of wastelander female...

By sefmonsta

Yep - just let me know what you need and I'm on it. What did you think of my 'Serious Sue' idea (maybe Serious Sal)?

By Plumcat

...You'd have a pretty powerful bomb on your hands...

By Plumcat

...And it was full...

By Plumcat

If that was a propane tank...


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