Skyrim RP Planner
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By alexi23
12/27/2011 - 01:19:18

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


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By alexi23

darn i always hate starting stuff! XD

By Meekota

Oh! Anyway, I think we're ready for the RP, we start out from when we enter a huge dungeon south of Solitude, and find some weird stuff...LET'S GO! You can begin!

By alexi23


By alexi23

And there is a MOD for the computer version

By alexi23

Oh, it's on the xbox :/ From what I've seen. There is Shimmering Isles though.

By Meekota

Wait what expansion?!!! There hasn't been any Summerset Isle stuff made by bethesda for over 10 years!

By alexi23

SUMMERSET ISLE. I'd love travel there in the rp! haven't gotten the expansion on the xbox oblivion so yeah. As long as you can explain the surroundings! XD

By Meekota

We can in the RP, go to Summerset Isle in an attempt to destroy the Thalmor or go help refugees in Morrowind.

By Meekota

And I was thinking it could sometimes take place outside of Skyrim. I hear Summerset Isle is really awesome and has crystal cities.

By Meekota

Yeah, and we should be freelance adventurers that roam the land, fighting crime, gathering artifacts, and seeking out quests.

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