Ecris Hall
Not rated

By Parkaboy
07/30/2012 - 17:22:48

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: parkaboy, set:ecris


By Dinoctrobob

How are you so good at making this smooth and creative pieces? TEACH ME =O!

By chantal71

In case you didn't know, I made a Xenoplanets adventure. Add both the bot parts version and the non-bot parts version, if you please.

By 0IoI0

Hmf... my Sworm Drone, which I think looked amazing, generated two comments. Gosh, I'm not very well know at all :/

By mastercreator1

@grindstone: I disagree, they are a key part to this set.

By grindstone

I like it to an extent, but the windows don't really fit.

By onacondafarr



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