Rallying Cry
Not rated

By SooperWalrus
03/28/2015 - 08:06:34

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)


The "Flagship" of the largest group of still-surviving Wanderers (about 9 frigates), captained by Number 13, one of the only Wanderers to have been born on Origin, the Wanderers home planet, and to still be alive.


By dazariian

Hey, I haven't been on in, well, years. But I wanted to thank you for how kind you were to me, I was 8-12 when I was super into this and I redownloaded this for kicks and remembered you, so thanks. If you wanted to add me on Steam its just Dazariian.

By USGCommander

I thought you died awhile ago. How did you survive the purge?

By DOGC_Kyle

Well, the Spore/SimCity studio is gone but according to someone from Maxis, they're discussing plans at EA's HQ for the future of Spore and SimCity. You never know, it is possible, especially if they're keeping Spore around

By DOGC_Kyle

Surprised to see you around after all these years! Yeah, I'm pretty much in charge of the Sporum now, there's someone from Maxis ocasionally but I'm the only active moderator atm.

By MyLittleSquirt

Good to see your shipyards are still operational!


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