Standard helicopter
Not rated

By Miserybearr
05/06/2019 - 02:30:41

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: aeroplane, aeroplanes, airplane, airplanes, chopper, choppers, helicopters, miserybear, miserybearr, originally created by miserybearr


By Miserybearr

Your passion shows. You are very skilled at making those vehicles, all of them are truly wonderfull3

By PoliceOfficer07

Because I have a passion for cars. I love cars since I was 4 years old.

By Miserybearr

Thank you! I barely make vehicles because I'm terrible at it lol. Yours seriously put mine to shame.

By PoliceOfficer07

It's not bad for someone who barerly makes vehicles. :)

By Miserybearr



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