The Veilspark

By Tapeon11
12/29/2019 - 04:10:08

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 11.25 (Good)
Tags: personal, ship, space, stage, tapeon, tapeon11, versoni


Personal fighter of bounty hunter Tapeon Versoni, the Veilspark uses an exotic jump drive capable of speeds believed beyond possible. The inertial countermeasures throughout the ship pulse with an eerie green glow, powered by a material only he knows of.


By Gonzalo218

I assume this is your new ingame ship... unless it's a freedom creation but I can't tell since I'm just on my phone :)

By Gonzalo218

That's nice to hear :) Also, great work again! Really digging the bright green highlights, reminds me of my older days. Rplus!

By RG4327

Pretty epic fighter you have there!! R+


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