Zir Nymph
Not rated

By Gonzalo218
02/20/2024 - 15:10:14

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: celestial war, drone, gonzalo218, mum-t, ramjet hybrid, uav, zir federation


description WIP


By Flail_Patriot

Cool ball camera(?)

By Gonzalo218

glad y'all think it looks funny, that was exactly the intent! It's one jobber of a craft, hopefully the desc will be finished soon

By SlappingMachine9

Looks really cool by the way. Simple but it works

By SlappingMachine9

I can vividly imagine the enemy faction to this one making propaganda calling this "the wings of a boeing 757 tacked onto a TV remote"

By TheCreator978

I like the uniqueness of the design, and it's very clean, but... why does it look like an obese man wearing a jetpack and posing like a bird? R btw

By RG4327

Anyway, it still looks great!

By RG4327

One little thing though, the exhaust is not entirely centered... Can't help but noticing xD

By RG4327

I love this drone. Nice work!!


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