The Wonders of Spore

Por MaxisKate
09/06/2009 - 20:36:01

Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 10.44 (Bueno)
Tags: effects, explore, kittens, vignettes


Journey through a panorama of wondrous vignettes, each designed to showcase the breadth of the Adventure Creator. Now with Kittens!
Created by MaxisKate, edited by MaxisGuillaume

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Por lizardz6

Absolutly amazing! I don't know how you do all of the stuff in your creations so well=)

Por wvforest

This is my favorite Maxis adventure :D

Por EwokTheDwarf


Por Cellcat

You rock! Can u check out my creatures? Yours are awesome!

Por Sk8erdude

I have a question. In the creator, on the row of mouths starting with "mollrat" the voice sounds a lot higher than it did before. Since your a part of maxis, do you know how to fix it?

Por cuzzberry1

Wow, how amazing! Usually I don't rely on other peoples adventures except Maxis' to be good, but that was as good or better! I give it a good two thumbs up!

Por MWoods

Is the same as maxis is

Por baa55555

How do you turn a normal creature into an epic ive lost the instructions manual and im makin giant squid, whales, dragons, etc.

Por SpaceAdventure

Wonderful Job the adventure was amazing! Keep up the good work!

Por Tovius

I'm confused. This is exactly like Illusioneering Industries. Why remake it?

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