Not rated

By Prometheus09
06/27/2008 - 11:42:39

Type: Creature
Rating: 1.4 (Not rated)
Tags: ambush, camouflage, decoy, gaanimal, gafauna, gaflora, gaforest, gaplant, gaswamp, jump, leafwalker, mimic, omnivore, plant, spit, tree


Leafwalkers are an omnivorous species of beings whose camouflage and body shape give them an interesting edge. They often burrow their appendages into the soil, sitting completely still for great lengths of time, waiting for prey to walk by. As soon as the eyes in their branches spot small prey, the victims are gassed and devoured by the mouthstalk. For larger prey, Leafwalkers use their great pouncing ability to tackle and smother a victim, slowly eating their way toward the ground, burrowing in to wait for another kill. If circumstances are dire, leafwalkers will resort to eating grasses and other low-lying plants. They have a semi-symbiotic relationship with Treesitters, in that Treesitters live in their branches, and often attract animals within the Leafwalker's range.


DNA points
70 Bones4 Feet13 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +2
4 %
86.95 %
6 / 20
8 / 20
3 / 15
1 / 53 / 50 / 5
2 / 52 / 50 / 5
3 / 52 / 53 / 5
0 / 51 / 5

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By akostic

Nice work added to swamp theme, R+. http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=ssc-500432334662

By burrittoking777

best branches ive seen

By quilnico

this is pretty amazing

By polbie

realy nace dude

By 0monsterhunter0

U truly are one for evil creatures thx for the comment

By PacoPaco

Awesome design. Good use of detail parts.

By ModestMMA

One of the best plant creatures I've seen.

By JGvardija

Great creature for a swamp.

By ???????

???????? ????????! ??????? ?????? ??????????!!!

By bran_man92

These creactures are awesome. It just so happened i ended up eith both Treesitters and Leafwalkers in my space stage. I decided to put both on the same planet and i watched as the Leafwalkers ate the leafsitters.... I guess they were hungry lmao

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