Monument of 1000 Creations

Por Parkaboy
22/01/2009 - 14:57:37

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 5.58 (Bueno)
Tags: 1000, celebration, commemorative, gamingsteve, gaprop, gold, golden, parkaboy, special, statue, thousand


Creation number 1000! To celebrate this milestone, I made a statue of the Bauder, one of the creatures of mine I`m most proud of. It would mean a lot to me if this statue got to be among the Most Popular New creations, so rate it up, please!


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Por OblivionDragones

Guys, Guys, Guys... Buddy Him yourself... It's enough proof. and He probably has so many buddies that he's overflowing with them..

Por lilyprincess65

I must be dreaming, this is so realistic.

Por BlackStarZX

Gonna edit this for adventure. :) Hope you don't mind.

Por AaronH

Thats a statu!!?? it looks so real!!

Por Redsalamander5

seriously the exact sort of thing id expect u 2 come up w/

Por Redsalamander5

o my holi f***!!!!!!!!! its a golden statue of a bauder!!!

Por bread02


Por Janori


Por Janori

I know you don't have the time but...blah,blah,blah, buddy me...blah, blah, Hey, great creation!

Por DoDoBug

can you buddy me I need help to be famous and you`re just the right person!

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