Lava Cave Wall (Solid)
Not rated

By Grimbot
06/20/2009 - 23:23:22

Type: House building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: cave, cavern, gaprop, grimbot, lava, magma, mustafar, volcanic


Hot potatoes II.


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By whats_up_with_u

in my opinion, i think your work is better then parkaboys

By Stunticon


By paigebaker

i need to edit this for my own Xenomorph adventure.

By lifemachine

Face it! You're gonna be up there with Parkaboy (if you're not there already!!)

By abborre2

Ill edit this k?

By 19Phoenix93

or adventures ::

By 19Phoenix93

May I use this wall in my adventure?

By Paradox42

Nice stuff, thanks for making it. I have used it in my first adventure. Saved me lots of time and work. R+

By pettamapossum

Amazing! The smoke on the lava break looks awesome! You must spend an awful lot of time creating.

By DudeMan95

As I sayd, make a floor.

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