Sennelin Health Station
Not rated

By Parkaboy
09/29/2009 - 00:48:04

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.79 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, parkaboy


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By LordChalx

This has been used in spoffit rampage, Its a fairly hard adventure, i couldn't continue cause my the guy i was supposed to escort fell in the hole were the spaceship is lol :D R

By gammelgumsi

just make a blue one and call it energy statoin :D

By Dnadia

in my adventure

By thegrax

what no energy station???

By IsakExplorer

When do you use this? Never seen in adventure.

By AaronAT


By Alterer

If Spore is an art medium (which I'm sure it is) you are a Leonardo Da Vinci.

By Etat55

Best health station ever!!!

By Abjuration

Every time I look at your art I'm amazed. I end up saying, "This came outta his head!!"

By Porter4

That was a good idea.

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