Not rated

By Icarax
01/09/2012 - 00:19:43

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.76 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop, icarax, insidious, proto-symbol, the insidious


"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Obliterate all, for The Insidious, we must." - Ancient inscription ================= A new series I'll be starting this year.


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By BrokenEyeReborn

So either the ancient inscription is in modern English, or both the idiom and the rhyme translated uncannily well

By DinoRexCM

Hey dude, I uploaded some new pics of my current MOCs. Whaddya think of them? http://s1032.photobucket.com/albums/a409/straightouttadabox/MOCs/

By DinoRexCM

The fact she had little dialogue was what made her so effective a character. So, that's a good thing, whether it was intentional or not.

By DinoRexCM

And the reason I like Zyei is because there's a sense of mystery to the character. She's quiet and reserved, but that makes the reader wonder why she is that way.

By DinoRexCM

I hope I'm making sense. I still really like the story thus far.

By DinoRexCM

Some of the greatest movies ever made, such as Aliens and the Terminator, are really fast-paced and it works, but only because they're as fast-paced as they need to be.

By DinoRexCM

And I'm not saying getting right into the action is a bad thing. It's just that the prologue felt a bit short and I'm hoping you won't rush yourself.

By DinoRexCM

And I agree the hangar could have used more description.

By DinoRexCM

Mari is pretty cool. She wasn't in the original series, was she?

By DinoRexCM

But I'm willing to believe you've got a great story planned out, and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming parts.

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