
04/06/2015 - 04:21:02

Type: Captain
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: avas, gaprop, t_b_ii


Enigmatic, a shadowy figure, sinister as the cold edge of a dagger, yet gentle like a silk thread. This individual is a former member of the Ultimus Avas Militus and a shattered war veteran. The Avasian soldier known as ?Factus? is something of a legend among Avas Militus servicemen and women, he was confirmed as killed in action during The Battle of Atlin five years ago.

However if by twisted and impossible miracle Factus survived that terrible conflict, albeit horribly disfigured, his once defiant mane of long striking hair burnt away, his skin permanently scarred and blistered, all the while the visage of innocence and inexperience cauterised, a shell of an Avas, but one of steel.

Indeed he is broken, while at potential beyond what could have been dreamed for one being, his mind is splintered and traumatised, his only remaining purpose being a scarcely remembered order given to him by an Artificial Intelligence with Sovereign Jurisdiction; prevent important intelligence from reaching the hands of the enemy.

It is this same A.I. that he strives to protect. An irony as his last vivid memory was pursuit by the same people once listed as his comrades on charges of desertion, treason and dissension; while the chase ended with the conclusion of The Battle Atlin, Factus still considers that he is being hunted.

After fleeing Atlin, Factus sought asylum in a myriad of Galaxies, never staying in one place, forever roaming the stars in repeated cycle. The intention of running however did not remain so simple for long, the Artificial Intelligence he was sworn to protect above else, the A.I. housed in the central carapace in his armour had begun to deteriorate. The power armour he dons was much grander five years ago, however as necessity dictated lighter weight all but the central carapace survived Factus?s removal and subsequent selling of parts for scrap.

This central carapace contains the remaining infrastructure for Factus?s A.I. companion, as his armour is in a constant state of disrepair, he wanders countless worlds in search of parts to replace the pieces he?s ramshackled together to keep the Artificial Intelligence alive for just a few moments more. A quest for survival, of the body and the mind, for this A.I. is the last viable friendship Factus still has, if this A.I. dies the last shred of Factus?s humanity will surely follow.

(Not intended to appear in future adventure projects of my own, Factus is instead intended to make a debut in a few other projects in progress by other creators.) (Credits: Sean10M; utilised his Avas rework creature as foundation for this creation. Heavily modified version of creature by myself, outfitting is my own.)


DNA points
53 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
7 %
27.67 %
9 / 20
6 / 20
0 / 15
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 50 / 5
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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By MythicalMist

Whoa, that is epic.

By Min_Lo

reply: If I can hug them, It'll make me happy. Although I might end up hugging an Avas instead, they might not like that XD

By Sean10M

RE Wubs: That's interesting. To what role do they play in your lore. It might help me when I remake them.

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RE: You probably would't know the Travie because they are one of the many unused Maxis Adventure props (like Dr. Loctopus).

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So, my mental canon grinds with the vision of earth animals. That's probably all.

By alexbiri

Even with the awful amount of coincidences to make Helderia so similiar to earth, i'd like to imagine it as part of an alien planet, just like many others in spore.

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Yes, i do generally not love the idea earth animals in a fantasy universe without humans or any other common relation with earth itself.

By Awdred

Here's the link:

By Awdred

there's a really cool create off soon to starts. Only a few spots left!

By Min_Lo

reply: I look forward to that ^_^

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