Random science fiction concept
Not rated

By R13426
03/15/2020 - 23:07:34

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0 (Not rated)


Don't know if it could become a new project, contest, adventure, or anything else, but just throwing this out there. Does anyone find the idea of sentient galaxies remotely plausible? Continued in comments


By dinoman82

Oh this is an interessting design, very neat! And thank you for the compliment, much appreciated and means a lot :D

By Xenomorpher123

That is actually a really unique idea... it could actually be possible however.

By R13426

a government becomes complex enough to gain its own sentience, and finally an interstellar civilization forms enough connections (synapses) between enough planetary systems that the galaxy itself functions as a large self aware brain?

By R13426

I'm not referring to the stars themselves, but this is what I mean: every cell is controlled by a nucleus, and every multicell organism is controlled by a brain. Every sentient organism is regulated by a government, but suppose one day


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