Very good!

By sammywhiskers
11/03/2020 - 22:34:27

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 22.5 (Very good!)
Tags: balquodorx controlled, ecoverse, moons: 3, number from star: 3, sorta based off 4546b from subnautica, terrestrial, tropical waterworld planet


A waterworld under balquodorx controlled, Habastase is a so called "execution planet" where criminals are sent there to basically survive as long as they can from the climate and fauna.
Diameter: 13,095 KM, mass: 1.15 earths


By Valkjes

Exept from the criminals a good place to take a quick visit... With a ship and weapons.

By R13426

Perhaps certain members of AUSF would have conversion techniques and technologies and ways to take prisoners that reduce brutality on their side of the war?


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