AUSF flag

By sammywhiskers
08/23/2021 - 20:27:29

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: ausf, ecoverse, flag, there are 26 species in ausf


Also known as the "Hexagon of union" the dark blue represents a shared unity, the grey hexagons represent diplomacy, strength and loyalty, and the middle hexagon represents those that formed AUSF, each cyan bar represents each species in AUSF.


By R13426

Thankfully I don?t think the laws of physics allow a being that dangerous in the real world

By R13426

Or else some similar vulnerability

By R13426

Something that powerful? The only way for a planet based sapient to defeat it would be if there were a backdoor that allowed someone else to control Mortem, ie like what happens in Mass Effect 3

By R13426

Ah that would depend heavily on how hospitable different planets are, reproduction rates in different species along with the prevalence of birth control or various other forms of population control


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