i owe you guys an explanation
Not rated

By williezk
10/06/2021 - 16:02:57

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)



By fungus3

Your tagline is hypocritical; it seems that you ARE indeed logging into the game occasionally, but not sharing any creations at all.

By fungus3

What motives do the "M00ps" have in genociding all Pokemonkab creations? NONE!

By fungus3


By fungus3

Then why do you refuse to play because TLWotG got featured? Why don't you vote on that? Why don't do anything revolutionverse-related when you have the opportunity to be on spore? Why do you think I'm so bloody toxic, when I only want to help the series?

By fungus3

It's zombie SPORE now!

By williezk

i love dead spore (not)

By williezk

2 people play, adventure gets on MPN new

By fungus3

Hopefully you can catch up on the latest TIWRD, and continue STNLR and Revitalization


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