Saint Bej

By Benjami
03/03/2024 - 09:37:52

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: gaprop



Some have wondered, where did Benjami?s Galaxy get its name? Various theories regarding various deities whom the galaxy might?ve been named after have been proposed through the histories, with these theories often connecting to the cultural history of the species that proposed it. But the Grand Library of Locaria found none of these theories satisfactory.

According to their own historical analysis, the earliest records of the name ?Benjami? come from ancient times. These records depict a figure that went by a similar name, though some have interpreted them as depicting three separate figures.

Further investigations focused on a figure from the First Age, one known as ?Saint Bej?, initially originating from a fairy tale. According to the story, Bej was a creature from another galaxy, come here to seek his fortune, only to find something known as the ?Undead King? ruling over the galaxy. In the King?s conquest, many planets fell to death, and through the king?s sorceries, joined the kingdom of the undead.

Bej was no warrior, preferring tools to weapons. When the undead came to his world, Bej had taken an axe in an attempt to fight back.

But he couldn?t.

He had witnessed many warriors head into the fray, only to find out the truth: in a fight against death, there is no victory. With every loss, the undead army grew stronger. He realised that there was only one way to win.

Bej ran away. He found others that had done the same, others that had not died fighting. These survivors formed a nomadic community, travelling from star to star. Upon finding civilizations, they preached their message: to escape was the only way to beat the ever-approaching tide of death.

Some heeded their message, some did not. But eventually, their small community grew, with survivors of many empires coming to share their knowledge as a means to survive. They merged their skills, salvaging empty worlds they found, building not only ships with which to run, but also homes, and even worlds to live on.

They formed the Itinerant.

In their prime, this culmination of survivors consisted of millions of artificial worlds, constantly drifting through space. At the height of the Undead King?s rule, the Itinerant may have been the last living people in the galaxy. And the king would not let them run any longer.

The king had sent forth his beast, the Leech, the once-queen, to devour the Itinerant.

The Itinerant thought they could run forever. They hoped. But eventually everything comes to an end.

But Bej had one idea to try, before giving in to death. He spoke to the Leech the words of a duel.

Before the Leech could devour the ever-escaping people, the Undead King showed himself, accepting the challenge.

The outcome of the duel was known to all before it even began. One could not beat death, that was the principle upon which the Itinerant was founded. Still, Bej took his axe, the axe from his home world that had since been brought to death, and swung it.

An arm fell to the ground. The axe had connected, and cut off the King?s arm.

But in a moment, a new one grew in its place. At the same time, Bej?s axe fell to the floor, as there was nothing left to hold it. Where once was an arm, was now only dust.

However, it was not a duel that Bej wished for, but an audience. So, now with the King?s attention, Bej spoke:

?There can be no life without death. Just as there can be no death without life.?

The King pondered his words for a while. He then picked up the axe from the ground, and in one silent move, struck Bej down.

But after that, the king left, taking the beast with him.

Without their leader, the Itinerant eventually scattered, life spreading across the galaxy again. The Undead King would continue his rule for the aeons to come, but never quite letting life die out.

Bej came to be remembered as the Wise Saint by the descendants of the Itinerant, sacrificing his life to allow life itself to live on.


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