ZNM SULV-100 Bull

By LucasTheGreatYT
04/24/2024 - 05:56:26

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 6 (Good)
Tags: automobile, car, jeep, lucasthegreatyt, metal, pickup, suv, truck


SULV-100 Bull is one of the mass produced pickup truck created by Zenith Corporation, which was originally a major automobile producer turned megacorporation and has stood strong until their defeat by the United Systems Space Command in the early 24th century, in which at the corporation's last CEO, was captured and executed for his crimes. Both the United Systems government and other local companies and military organizations still hold blueprints for things made by the former Zenith Megacorporation, leaving out their dark legacy.


By xmrsmoothx

Great suspension and fenders, looks sleek and heavy duty.

By Gonzalo218

Nice work on this military truck. The angular shapes lend it a futuristic feel while the rugged details help it seem grounded and practical


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