Lurking in the Shadows
No puntuado

Por Icarax
26/06/2012 - 04:36:35

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.05 (No puntuado)
Tags: icarax, insidious, klendera, s1e1


A recent archeological find by the Klendera Empire has requested the need for a Captain. It seems like a prophitable oppurtunity. However, something lurks in the darkness. Something that has been waiting for a long time for a moment like this. *Needed: Mid/high-level combat skills, reading/observing environment, minor literary analysis, and patience. Had to sacrifice a lot of potential detail for gameplay; complexity's a pain. Will make adjustments if need be before moving on to episode 2.

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Por HRmatthew

Beautiful props and creatures, too!

Por HRmatthew

Another great adventure! I see you were heavily influenced by Ryuujin.

Por Caeserguy

"Complexity is a pain" is the worst understatement of the year. Complexity is seppuku.

Por darwinken

Definitely a great one for skilled players. I've added it to my Very Best Quest SC

Por darwinken

Finally got past the Cave Golems a spiders only to die in the lava field. Would love to play to the end but my skills aren't up to it.

Por darwinken

Everything I saw was incredible..e.g. amazing cave complex, but I found it very difficult to complete even in thr editor.

Por exxon

This sounds incredible. I can't wait until my captain gains some abilities.

Por crzycreatr99

I want to play this more now because of Fatalyze's comment about how awesome the cave is hehe.

Por Fatalyze

but in closing, i must say, MAD props (and good GAprops, too!) id say this is definitely improved over your other adventures, in terms of accessibility (read: things dont kill you so fast) and it wasnt too long (after playing it a few times...)

Por Fatalyze

i also noticed some grammatical/spelling errors. first off, "markers" is spelled "marckers," and im pretty sure one of the riddle-gems is missing a word. unless you wanted to skip the word to make it more mysterious...

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