Blood and Iron (Part II)
No puntuado

Por Icarax
12/09/2012 - 03:04:07

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.06 (No puntuado)
Tags: ldelta317 for props>, icarax, insidious, kekshirco, s1e2


You stop at a Kekshirco colony to refuel your ship. The night seems normal, until innocent blood is spilled. What horrors have been released upon this world? What is that feeling of being hunted? And who can dare to stop an ancient nightmare once again? *Had to divide this episode into two parts because complexity is the bane of creativity. Needed: Mid-level combat skills and at least lvl 1 sing a lvl 1 dance. Decent speed should help too. Be on the look out for health and chem kits. Please tell me of any major flaws in this adventure, and I'll fix them if they affect the gameplay too much.

Capturas de pantalla


Por HRmatthew

Wow, that was a fun adventure. Really loved it, along with its story. I wonder who the Insidious actually are...

Por Ragnakalou

HEY HEY, Don't spoil the rest of the story! I still haven't beaten this yet.

Por Fatalyze


Por Zong92

Very nice adventure. I hope to see a bit more of you in the future!


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